Andrew Morse:
Over the past 4 years, SLOBs has been one of my favorite clubs at the High School. Being President gave me the opportunity to give back to the community that has done so much for us. New Cannan does so much for its youth with all the programs it provides and the great schools we go to. Being in SLOBs allowed me to repay that debt by helping out at the Food Pantry, playing poker with our seniors at the Schoolhouse apartments, and many other great events. One of the most memorable things I did while in SLOBs was the cleanup of the Lion’s Den at Mill pond. When I was little I would go fishing there and see the rundown warming hut and pay it no attention, but this past fall we were able to work with the Lion’s Club to clean up, repaint, and restore the warming hut to what it once was. This was a great event where I got to spend a weekend with my friends helping the community and that is what SLOBs is all about.
Griffen Dayton:
Over the past four years, SLOBs has not only helped me give back to the community that has supported me throughout my childhood, but it has also introduced me to so many new friends and mentors. I will always remember the many exciting and fulfilling experiences I have had while serving my community, and I have enjoyed volunteering with certain philanthropies more extensively after learning about them through SLOBs. Holding a leadership position in this club has allowed me to help foster these experiences that I have greatly benefited from for the younger members.